2010/1/18 Daniel Bauer <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
> soon I'll have to move my digikam-albums to another computer 1:1. I'll use
> rsync for the album-root-folder (and its subfolders, of course). All settings,
> album-names etc. will remain the same.
> But where are the thumbnails?
> How/what do I have to move, too, so that the thumbnails will stay or be intact
> on the new computer without the need of regenarating them (this would imply
> several days of work/waiting...).
Since 1.0.0, thumbnails are hosted in a dedicated Sqlite database file
named thumbnails-digikam.db, located at the same place than main
digiKam database file digikam4.db
Note in this thumb DB file, image are compressed using PGF format, not
PNG, which give better compression ratio due to wavelets algorithm.
http://www.xeraina.ch/pgf/index.htmlhttp://www.libpgf.org/Gilles Caulier
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