xmp tag/keyword between Lightroom/Bridge and digikam

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xmp tag/keyword between Lightroom/Bridge and digikam

Hi... New to Digikam and loving it. But I do need still to interact between Digikam and Lightroom. It's the tag/keywords for Canon .cr2 RAW files that I especially need to be read by both ends. But it seems that while Adobe writes to e.g ThisImage.xmp, it seems Digikam writes to a file ThisImage.cr2.xmp and so neither can be read by the other. Is there any way round this? I have so many existing Adobe .xmp sidecars that it's not going to be practical for me to use Digikam otherwise. Which I would really regret, now I've found it! I see that (embedded?) keywords of non-RAW files - TIF, JPG, DNG - from Adobe are read no problem as tags in Digikam - so it seems naming conventions are not an issue.