xmp sidecar issue

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xmp sidecar issue


I think there is a read/write from XMP confusion ib digikam 5.7.0
I imported a folder to darktable which applies rating 1 to every picture by default and writes it to a xmp sidecar. Normally it is not an issue since I write to xmp for read-only files only. I only see a picture with rating 1 (which I don't use myself) if I exported to JPG from darktable and fine with that.

However I just noticed that when I go to digiKam Geolocation Editor and apply a geotag it applies rating 1 to every picture I edited there. It overwrites the ratings I set in digiKam too.

I believe that the Geolocation Editor reads from XMPs created by darktable otherwise I have no idea where the rating 1 comes from.

Can anyone who has darktable try to reproduce please?

Best regards,