Hi there,
very nice DAM software, I looked around quite some time (years!) after Aperture "left" the universe... digiKam really makes me happy so far!
Now, here is a question / some thoughts where some of you might have a hint already:
I am using an "old" 2015 iMac as my primary workstation. Everything fine here, except that it is sort of slow, e.g. while doing detection / recognition stuff.
Now I happen to have access to a high end vm host, where I do have some windows, linux vms running.
So my question is: Could I use e.g. the windows version of digiKam (with vm using all cores & lots of memory) to do the heavy load and then use the same structure (db, thumbs etc.) on my iMac?
Syncing is already done accross the network, but I did not want to have separate databases etc.
What do you think?
Also, side question: There are some libraries that do object detection, e.g. tag all pictures containing a table, car whatever. I have failed seting this up, at least I spent to much time & didnt get it automated etc., is there any better way to do this? Without uploading pictures, of course.
Many thanks in advance for any advice!