solving lost tag problem

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solving lost tag problem

Simon Oosthoek-6
Hi all (and Gilles)

I notice a recurring problem on the mailinglist regarding lost tags.
AFAICT this happens often to people who change their disk for a
collection or some other problem where the digikam database loses sync
with the actual image store. I ran into this once (or more than once)
and reported my issues here:

Wouldn't this be easily solvable using a small problem solving feature?
(this could lead to a feature request later on ;-)

I hope I'm correct in describing the tagging system in the database as:
* there's a table with images
* there's a table with tags (hierarchy is represented by a column parent
* a table imagetags which links images to tags.

When a database is lost or "unlinked" from the images, a new database
can be created but then the imagetags table is recreated without the
tags (unless the tags are inside the image's exif).

If an old database is available, it should have a table images with the
above mentioned tables and in the images table is a unique hash value
for each image.
Am I right to assume that this hash value is easy to recalculate and can
be used to track down old image-tag relationships?
If so, this could be used to connect the new database with the old
database and thus restore old tags and their links to images.

Combined with a supportive GUI, this would solve a lot of issues I
think. Any comments?


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