questions about on-disk layout

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questions about on-disk layout

Luca Ferrari
Hi all,
so far I've managed around 120 GB of images with Digikam, and I'm
pretty happy with it (thanks to all the developers).
Since my collection is growing, I'm thinking about the better on-disk
layout. For instance I've an album that is divided with folders, one
per year. Now, should I try to keep albums as little as possible (for
example for batch processing?), and therefore use a separate album per
Moreover, since my albums are on a removable media, what will happen
if the mount point or the directory layout changes? I mean, is digikam
smart enough to recognize a moved picture if the database is unchanged
or should I use some internal tool to nest and move folders?
Last but not least, where is better to place the database (and
thumbnails): on every computer or on the removable media? Is there a
way to get both of them having the removable one synchronizing with
the on-computer one?

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