SVN commit 489287 by fjcruz:
New improvements:
- If the user disables Color Management and later he enables it again, the last settings are remembered and preferences fields are not empty.
- In profiles info dialog, the 'Manufacturer' field has been replaced and now 'Copyright" is showed.
[hidden email]
M +2 -2 setupicc.cpp
--- trunk/extragear/graphics/digikam/showfoto/setupicc.cpp #489286:489287
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
QString profileName = QString((cmsTakeProductName(selectedProfile)));
QString profileDescription = QString((cmsTakeProductDesc(selectedProfile)));
- QString profileManufacturer = QString(cmsTakeManufacturer(selectedProfile));
+ QString profileManufacturer = QString(cmsTakeCopyright(selectedProfile));
int profileIntent = cmsTakeRenderingIntent(selectedProfile);
//"Decode" profile rendering intent
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("<p><b>Name:</b> ") + profileName +
i18n("</p><p><b>Description:</b> ") + profileDescription +
- i18n("</p><p><b>Manufacturer:</b> ") + profileManufacturer +
+ i18n("</p><p><b>Copyright:</b> ") + profileManufacturer +
i18n("</p><p><b>Rendering Intent:</b> ") + intent + i18n("</p><p><b>Path:</b> ") +
profile + "</p>",
i18n("Color Profile Info"));
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