I see core/CMakeLists.txt has these 3 optional, but disabled by default
ENABLE_KFILEMETADATASUPPORT "Build digiKam with KDE files indexer support
ENABLE_AKONADICONTACTSUPPORT "Build digiKam with KDE Mail Contacts support
ENABLE_MEDIAPLAYER "Build digiKam with QtMultimedia support (default=OFF)"
ENABLE_MYSQLSUPPORT "Build digiKam with MySQL dabatase support
Some of fedora's users are asking these be enabled... I assume there may be
some good reasons why they're not enabled by default yet though. Any
advice? "Go for it?" "Bad idea?"
(Fwiw, I already enabled MYSQLSUPPORT, since users pretty much have to opt-
in to try to use that anyway).
-- Rex
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