digikam workflow sorting photos and preparing slideshow with light table

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digikam workflow sorting photos and preparing slideshow with light table

Bugzilla from forum08@siebert.ws
Hello everyone,

what is your approach to create a slideshow if you have a bunch of pictures to choose from?

After a vacation I had around 300 photos. I browsed through them and added good pictures to the light table. Then at the light table I further reduced the selection. Btw. I really like the light table in digikam because it really works like in the good old analog times. Put some slides on, grab your lens, compare them and discard what you don't like.

Then I was finished with my selection on the light table but what now? You can't tag all the pictures at once on the light table but just one at a time. You can't select all pictures on the light table to copy them in a new album. And you can't save the selection you've made on the light table.

Wouldn't that be a useful feature?
i) save light table selection of photos or
ii) copy selection from light table into a new album?

Or am I doing sth. wrong and there is a much better way to do all this?


P.S. plz CC me
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Re: digikam workflow sorting photos and preparing slideshow with light table

Arnd Baecker

On Thu, 8 May 2008, J.Siebert wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> what is your approach to create a slideshow if you have a bunch of pictures to choose from?
> After a vacation I had around 300 photos. I browsed through them and added good pictures to the light table. Then at the light table I further reduced the selection. Btw. I really like the light table in digikam because it really works like in the good old analog times. Put some slides on, grab your lens, compare them and discard what you don't like.
> Then I was finished with my selection on the light table but what now? You can't tag all the pictures at once on the light table but just one at a time. You can't select all pictures on the light table to copy them in a new album. And you can't save the selection you've made on the light table.
> Wouldn't that be a useful feature?
> i) save light table selection of photos or
> ii) copy selection from light table into a new album?

This might be an approach (which is currently not possible).
You might want to file a wish in the bug-tracker.

> Or am I doing sth. wrong and there is a much better way to do all this?
I use the "*" rating for this.

Then all relevant images with >3 stars (use the filter at the bottom)
for this get a new tag (e.g. "Slideshow 2007"),
and furhter refinement can be done be removing (or adding) this tag
from (to) images.

HTH, Arnd

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