Version 4.12.0
Using KDE Development Platform 4.14.16
We experience the situation where we had selected 600+ photos for tagging, then during the tagging all the photos did disappear.
They are still physically present in their folders, but they don't show up in Digikam. We suspect that the photos are marked as rejected??? which would explain the fact that even if moving the photos with Digikam they cannot be seen.
How can we reset a rejected status if we cannot see or select the photos in Digikam?
Après demain, aujourd'hui sera hier..."
Mamihlapinatapai, du yagan, langue amérindienne parlée par le peuple du même nom au
Chili et en Terre de Feu, est réputé être l’un des mots les plus difficiles à
traduire. Il signifie
« un regard partagé entre deux personnes dont chacune espère que l’autre va prendre l’initiative de quelque chose que les deux désirent mais qu’aucun ne veut commencer »."
Fight Club: “On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.”"
How much can we actually know about the economy? When does data signify, and when is it merely noisy and uncertain?"
“Maybe it is time to do better things rather than just doing things better.”
"Do not do today what you can do better tomorrow."