I use digikam 0.9.3 in KDE 3.5.10
My photos are mounted in /etc/fstab
//server/photos /home/me/photos
the permissions are all OK - all folders and photos are owned by me and
i have full rights to them all
there is a symlink correctly set up so the db is stored locally even
though the pictures are mounted through samba
the problem comes in the albums
when i view the photos in konqueror they are all orientated correctly
in the album view in digikam some are orientated correctly, some are not
(being rotated through 90 one way or the other)
further, when i try to rotate them correctly in digikam some /will
/rotate, some /won/'t !!! - i can't find any apparent reason why this
it doesn't matter whetehr i do this manually or using the EXIF
autorotate feature
2 questions really then:
why should the album view apparently randomly rotate pictures differntly
to the view in konqueror ?
why can i rotate some but not others ?
FWIW i installed f-spot (yukk !!!) and i could rotate them in there, but
it's soooooo slow and ugly i dumped it PDQ :-)
any and all help very gratefully received
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