[digiKam-users] using albums

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[digiKam-users] using albums

Hi all

one question , I'm using DK 7.2RC on windows ,

I'm just wondering how to expand/collapse albums, in the album window
(from menu on the left). I see effectively a + or - to expand/collapse
an album but I'm looking to other functionalities:

- in the album window, is there a way to search an album, as I'm
starting to have lots of collections and album, it  is not easy to
retreive a specific album

- is there a way to collapse all albums (I have many album/collections 
and would like to navigate more easily )

- in  menu/tools  where you can select albums, I have the same question,
with the number of albums and sub-albums it is sometime painful to find
the one I'm looking for

- is there a way to open multiple DK windows to see pictures from one
album in one window and other pictures from another album in another window

thanks for your help


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[digiKam-users] searching albums

Hi all

sending again with a new title


Le 14/03/2021 à 18:44, frederic chaume a écrit :

> Hi all
> one question , I'm using DK 7.2RC on windows ,
> I'm just wondering how to expand/collapse albums, in the album window
> (from menu on the left). I see effectively a + or - to expand/collapse
> an album but I'm looking to other functionalities:
> - in the album window, is there a way to search an album, as I'm
> starting to have lots of collections and album, it  is not easy to
> retreive a specific album
> - is there a way to collapse all albums (I have many
> album/collections  and would like to navigate more easily )
> - in  menu/tools  where you can select albums, I have the same
> question, with the number of albums and sub-albums it is sometime
> painful to find the one I'm looking for
> - is there a way to open multiple DK windows to see pictures from one
> album in one window and other pictures from another album in another
> window
> thanks for your help
> frederic