[digiKam-users] invert Filters selection, or have a "not" operator

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[digiKam-users] invert Filters selection, or have a "not" operator


having a growing tag base now, it would be very helpfull for filtering
purposes, to have a kind of "not" or "invert selection"
operator/function avaliable in place. There is a "general 'not'" for
"Images Without Faces  tags" avaliable, which is helpfull already.  Is
there a way not known to me? Workarund might be to select every filter
tag, an deselct desired, but this is already "challenging", having many

For example, ther are about 4000 "unknown faces", and i want not to
see/process those, that already have a tag for place A or/andevent B.  I
can easyl show all abut "unknown faces", but i can not easily suppress
(filter out) those i do not want to see (i.e. those with certain tags).

Any idea how to achiev this?

Cheers, Gerhard