[digiKam-users] dk database problem: "DBThumbnailsVersion does not exist"

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[digiKam-users] dk database problem: "DBThumbnailsVersion does not exist"

J Albrecht
When starting my instance of dk (5.9.0 on Fedora 29, using mySQL -MariaDB- database) I am greeted by a longer version of the above dialogue. The start-up process only continues when I select “Okay”. In spite of the warning, I see DO SEE thumbnails of all of my photos! Does anybody know whether this situation will affect the functionality of the program? My guess is that it does. For example:

Although it worked previously, it seems that the Duplicates search is now kaput; A search for duplicates no longer produces results (even though the albums clearly contain duplicates). Yes, I’ve selected the albums (another question: is the selection automatically recursive?) and I’ve cranked “similarity” down to 50% in an attempt to ensure that the duplicates aren’t missed.

My databases are:
  • core - digikam
  • thumbnails - digikam_tbs
  • facial recog - digikam_fc
They are all collated as utf8mb4_unicode_ci

I’ve rebuilt thumbnails and I’ve performed database maintenance. 

Would somebody please guide me so that I can address the warning dialogue and, hopefully, regain a fully working instance of this program? Thanks!

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