[digiKam-users] digiKam Windows GUI

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[digiKam-users] digiKam Windows GUI

As much as I like the features of digiKam as much do I dislike the UI -
especially the icons. AFAIK on Linux the system icon set is used in the
non-Appimage version (or in the Appimage version as well?) and there are
some icon sets which include the digiKam icons too.

Is there a way to change to icon set in the Windows version? And is there a
way to make the gui elements like buttons, sliders etc. to look more like a
native Windows application? I'm using XnViewMP on Windows too which is a QT5
application also. I don't know how Pierre did it but the program looks a lot
more "Windowy".

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Re: digiKam Windows GUI

Gilles Caulier-4

The icons set used by digiKam is a common component provided by KDE named breeze. This icons collection is used by all KDE applications.

So the question is : did you see the same problem with another KDE application under Windows, as, Krita for ex ?


Gilles Caulier

Le ven. 8 mars 2019 à 06:10, phonograph <[hidden email]> a écrit :
As much as I like the features of digiKam as much do I dislike the UI -
especially the icons. AFAIK on Linux the system icon set is used in the
non-Appimage version (or in the Appimage version as well?) and there are
some icon sets which include the digiKam icons too.

Is there a way to change to icon set in the Windows version? And is there a
way to make the gui elements like buttons, sliders etc. to look more like a
native Windows application? I'm using XnViewMP on Windows too which is a QT5
application also. I don't know how Pierre did it but the program looks a lot
more "Windowy".

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