[digiKam-users] Why does digikam (6.4) ask permission to record screen on macos

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[digiKam-users] Why does digikam (6.4) ask permission to record screen on macos

When I closed digikam today I noticed a notification hiding behind the
main window asking if I want to accept allowing Digikam to record my
screen. Which feature would need this permission?


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Re: Why does digikam (6.4) ask permission to record screen on macos

Gilles Caulier-4

Record my screen, under MacOS. Seriously ?

Here i compile myself the MacOS package with my macbook pro (2012). I
just trying and there is nothing special at end of digiKam session.

And as developer, i can confirm that digiKam will never ask to record
your screen (:=))). It's not a spyware...

I suspect something _special_ installed on your computer...

My best

Gilles Caulier

Le jeu. 21 mai 2020 à 13:17, wc <[hidden email]> a écrit :
> When I closed digikam today I noticed a notification hiding behind the
> main window asking if I want to accept allowing Digikam to record my
> screen. Which feature would need this permission?
> -Wc