[digiKam-users] Video Import in DigiKam 6

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[digiKam-users] Video Import in DigiKam 6

Tac Tacelosky
Quite jazzed to see more video support in DigiKam 6.

I'd love to see a bit more metadata in the "Import".  Certainly thumbnails, even the first frame, would be a great starting point.  Filename, date and duration would also be really helpful.


Of course, in the ideal world there'd be a mini-scrubbing tool within the thumbnail.

The other thing that would help is to move the controls to bottom of the video, and allow spacebar and clicking on the video to stop and start the video, which is pretty standard.  Especially when I'm trying to see which video contains what scene (for naming it, including it), it's unnatural to scrub using the scroller at the bottom, but then to need to go to the top left of the video to start and stop it.

Thanks for considering these!
