[digiKam-users] Using digiKam with git-annex

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[digiKam-users] Using digiKam with git-annex

Jason Boxman
Hi all,

For some years, I've wanted to use digiKam in conjunction with `git-annex` to manage a few thousand photographs that I have. After some experimentation, I found that the best setup is to provide digiKam with a hardlink copy of the files.

(The specific reason for this is that, when creating .xmp sidecar files, digiKam follows symlinks, but in a `git-annex` repository, the directory containing the symlink target is read-only.)

So as a proof of concept[0], I created a script that I use to manage the parallel directory structure. It also handles ingesting and rotating files, but you can already do that with digiKam.

Let me know if you have any questions.