[digiKam-users] Unable to view any photo information at all

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[digiKam-users] Unable to view any photo information at all

Alphie Garcia
Hello to the Digikam listserv,

I'm having some trouble after installing Digitam on my Windows 10 laptop and haven't been able to resolve it after reading through the help files. I think I may have made a mistake when I initially set up via the Wizard by choosing to have the database install on my external hard drive where my photos are stored. 

The problem:
When launching the program, there is a list of album info on the left-hand side of the screen and clicking on any of those albums doesn't show the contents of the album. I basically can't view any data from my external hard drive in the program other than the list of album names. 

What I've tried:
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the program multiple times, trying first 64 bit then 32 bit. I notice that whatever I do, the program always saves files into the external hard drive so there's something left over when I do the uninstall so that when I reinstall, that path is still there. I've tried to use Revo Uninstaller to delete whatever registry files that may be causing that but no matter what I do it still points to that directory, and I don't even know if that's the cause of the problem to begin with. I've also tried to migrate the database away from the external hard drive and that didn't resolve anything. Little at a loss. Hopefully it's something I'm doing obviously wrong.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Unable to view any photo information at all

Stephen Leibowitz
This post was updated on .
Using an external hard drive should not be a problem, so long as the drive
letter remains constant. Even if it changes, there is a way to
make it work with a hack, but it sounds like it is unnecessary in your case.

digiKam stores little in the registry. It stores files and folders in
Users\..\Local\AppData. There you will find a configuration file named
digikamrc. You can view it inside a text editor. The [Database Settings]
section may be relevant to your problem. Instead of reinstalling digiKam,
you can erase digikamrc and any folders in AppData named digikam. But take
care. There are files and folders for other applications in AppData. Do not
erase them!

If you opted for the SQLite database, there should be four files with a .db
extension: digikam4.db, recognition.db, similarity.db, and
thumbnails-digikam.db. The default folder for them is Pictures. You can also
erase these files, and recreate them when you next run the program. It can
be a lengthy process to recreate them. But in your case, it may be worth it.

If you erase the digikamrc file and then run the program, it should start
with The First Run Dialog (Welcome to digKam).

Being cautious, I suggest you wait a few days to see if someone has a different
view on your problem.

Sent from: http://digikam.1695700.n4.nabble.com/digikam-users-f1735189.html
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Re: Unable to view any photo information at all

Gilles Caulier-4

Le lun. 2 sept. 2019 à 12:06, Stephen Leibowitz <[hidden email]> a écrit :
Using an external hard drive should not be a problem, so long as the drive
letter of the HDD remains constant. Even if it changes, there is a way to
make it work with a hack, but it sounds like it is unnecessary in your case.

digiKam stores little in the registry. It stores files and folders in
Users\..\Local\AppData. There you will find a configuration file named
digikamrc. You can view it inside a text editor. The [Database Settings]
section may be relevant to your problem. Instead of reinstalling digiKam,
you can erase digikamrc and any folders in AppData named digikam. But take
care. There are files and folders for other applications in AppData. Do not
erase them!

If you opted for the SqLite database, there should be four files with a .db
extension: digikam4.db, recognition.db, similarity.db, and
thumbnails-digikam.db. The default folder for them is Pictures. You can also
erase these files, and recreate them when you next run the program. It can
be a lengthy process to recreate them. But in your case, it may be worth it

If you erase the digikamrc file and then run the program, it should start
with The First Run Dialog (Welcome to digKam 6.2.0).

Do not erase, just rename this file as .old is enough...

Gilles Caulier