I have been using Digikam for some years and I find it quite appropriate for the administration of my collection of photographs.
However one thing is very annoying now is the erroneous working within the local network.
The configuration is:
Windows 10 Desktop Digikam 7.0: Collection of Photograps (jpeg), about 50000. Most of the persons are tagged with their names and many images are provided with GEO coordinates. There is a lot of update activity to reach this level of information on it.
For presentation and update activities I have tried to use a Windows 10 notebook Windows 7.0 within the local network, which is connected via WLAN. The database of this notebook is local and the images are being retrieved from the desktop.
At the beginning there is a collection of all images or searching of new items to create the local DB, which takes some hours of time. During this process before finishing everything runs normal, except the still missing data. When the update process ends (100%) the searching of new item begins once again and the whole collection is no more visible until the new run creates the albums again. I think there must be al logical problem in the DB control area or the settings of collections are wrong. I tried the Digikam version 7.1 as well unseccessfully.
Best regards
Hubert Zillner