[digiKam-users] RAW and jpg mismatch

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[digiKam-users] RAW and jpg mismatch

This is a newbie error. I have 3000 photos in one album. I went through and
gave 5 stars to about 300 of these photos, but only the jpg, not the RAW
images. That was my mistake. What I want is for both the RAW and jpg images
to have a 5 star rating, not just the jpg.

Is there some means where I can view only the jpg and RAW files of the 5
star jpgs in the directory? Or in some way give a 5 star rating to the
matching RAW images? Thanks.

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Re: RAW and jpg mismatch

I assume you write metadata to sidecars. Then, one of probably many options would be:
- Create a copy of all the sidecars in the image folder into a new folder
- In the new folder, rename all sidecars by replacing jpg with raw (or whatever your raw file suffix is)
- Move those renamed sidecars back into your image folder
- reread metadata from sidecars in Digikam

Then all your RAWs will have the same metadata as the corresponding JPGs.
Sent from my mobile device, apologies for typos

PGP key: http://tinyurl.com/2016PGPKEY

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 3:02 PM Traveller1 <[hidden email]> wrote:
This is a newbie error. I have 3000 photos in one album. I went through and
gave 5 stars to about 300 of these photos, but only the jpg, not the RAW
images. That was my mistake. What I want is for both the RAW and jpg images
to have a 5 star rating, not just the jpg.

Is there some means where I can view only the jpg and RAW files of the 5
star jpgs in the directory? Or in some way give a 5 star rating to the
matching RAW images? Thanks.

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