[digiKam-users] Quality sorter

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[digiKam-users] Quality sorter

DK 5.9.0

I'm trying to understand the image quality sorter. It has flags
5,000+ images as rejected. The vast, vast majority of the flagged
images are good to excellent: sharp, in focus, good exposure (subject
is a different story)


I saw the settings:

Blur, noise and compression. These are almost all of them 5,100 are
raw and about 100 jpegs

* Noise is on the low side
* Compression shouldn't affect here since they are raw.
* Blur as you can see from the print screen is non-existent.


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Re: Quality sorter

Gilles Caulier-4

Sorry for the delay. I respond now only, as i review code from Quality sorter algorithms since i seen your post on this ML.

I advanced well with the review to see if something is broken in code. I fixed some static code analysis reports and prepare missing unit tests.

I don't yet completed the job. I hope to finish this week end, and i will report here all the explanations about algorithms.


Gilles Caulier

Le mar. 18 sept. 2018 à 18:32, <[hidden email]> a écrit :
DK 5.9.0

I'm trying to understand the image quality sorter. It has flags
5,000+ images as rejected. The vast, vast majority of the flagged
images are good to excellent: sharp, in focus, good exposure (subject
is a different story)


I saw the settings:

Blur, noise and compression. These are almost all of them 5,100 are
raw and about 100 jpegs

* Noise is on the low side
* Compression shouldn't affect here since they are raw.
* Blur as you can see from the print screen is non-existent.

