[digiKam-users] Managing old scanned photos

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[digiKam-users] Managing old scanned photos

I have a bit of a two fold dilemma.
1) hundreds of old photos from the early 1900s up through the 60s
2) Some I have exact dates, some I have the year, some I can guess the

My existing photos are mostly organized in folders by event, but all photo
filenames are their date and time.


1) How do I edit the metadata in order to change the date stamps from when
they were scanned to when they were taken
2) How do I create a file naming template that is essentially ISO timestamp
- [digikam metadata] (for example 1940-01-01T00:00:00-[Great

Any suggestions on this would be helpful... I need a universal strategy for
organizing and naming both old photos with no metadata and new photos taken
with current tech.

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Re: Managing old scanned photos


On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 3:18 PM Chairman.Faust <[hidden email]> wrote:

1) How do I edit the metadata in order to change the date stamps from when
they were scanned to when they were taken
2) How do I create a file naming template that is essentially ISO timestamp
- [digikam metadata] (for example 1940-01-01T00:00:00-[Great
Any suggestions on this would be helpful... I need a universal strategy for
organizing and naming both old photos with no metadata and new photos taken
with current tech.
I'm using the same strategy:

You get the idea...
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Re: Managing old scanned photos

I would say that any format that uses the YYYYMMDD order should work. I'm
partial to YYYY-MM-DD-description.jpg, because it's easier to read, but it's
also a bit longer. I wouldn't add the time to the filename of an old
picture, just the date.

Exiftool can automatically add the exif date from the filename if you do
   exiftool -alldates<filename  -overwrite_original <filename.jpg>

(no need to specify the date format, it should detect it automatically,
although I've found sometimes it has trouble if it doesn't also include the

If I'm not mistaken, digikam will also include this functions in the next
version, as this function was added last week:
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=406855 . So I guess we can try that in
the next appimage in a few days at https://files.kde.org/digikam/

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Re: Managing old scanned photos

Thanks for your help, I was able to find under 'items' the 'adjust date and
time' tool to set dates in the meta data and then use the rename tools to
create file names based on the date field and 'keyword' field

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