There's a strange behavior I have in my digikam setup.
My config is set to read XMP sidecar files and write on XMP file only those files that cannot be written (readonly). In photos it can, it's written as EXIF data.
I have all photos exported with it's XMP file. Digikam recognizes them perfectly and shows all information (like title, date, etc..).
The issue is when I need to change (like the title) of a photo that has not been changed before. When I do that, and click apply. digikam reverts the value it has before. Future changes are correctly accepted. It's like digikam, when applying the first time, get the values from original XMP file and writes it to EXIF, instead taking the new value we typed in GUI. After that, if I change again, it takes the value from EXIF correctly and writes all new information we typed from GUI.
Has anybody knows about that ?