[digiKam-users] Influence of "ignore" and "no face" on face recognition

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[digiKam-users] Influence of "ignore" and "no face" on face recognition

Eduard Zalar
Hi all,
I use digiKam for years and the new face recognition is really awesome! You did a really good job there! It has detected more than 4000 faces just in my pictures of 2020 and 2021.
And this is really overwhelming... Committing a face to a person tag is the easy option. But I do not clearly understand what are the consequences of the two negative options:

What happens if I select "No face"? Does this mean that the face detection is influenced? 
I can imagine using this option to suppress the detection of very unsharp faces or faces which are mainly covered. Right now, such kinds of faces are also detected - which is really awesome, but not useful from my point of view. Am I right with this assumption and is the face detection training data adapted by this?

What happens if I select "Ignore face"? From my understanding, this face is not tried to be "recognized" anymore, even if I repeat a face recognition run. But still, the detection will find this face again and will categorize it again as "unknown". Is this assumption correct?

Final question for now: How often do you recommend "Clear and rebuild all training data" with the maintenance tool? For example after detecting and assigning x pictures?

Again, the functionality is really awesome! I just want to find a way to adjust it for my needs.
Best Regards