[digiKam-users] IPTC/XMP Data

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[digiKam-users] IPTC/XMP Data

Peter Carlson

I have about 40,000 images and have gone through about 5000 of them to tag them with names.  In 51 of the albums the tags are saved as IPTC keywords.  however in one album the tags are saved as XMP and the IPTC keywords are messed up.

Below are 2 examples (I have *** out part of the last names).  All images were tagged using digikam and all were tagged in the past 60 days or so.  I would like all my tags to be saved as IPTC keywords (and of course to be saved correctly)

Example image that is ok, the IPTC keywords match the XMP tags:

peter@OFFICE ~/Pictures/Albums/15 $ exiv2 -pi ../1/1-001.jpg
Iptc.Envelope.CharacterSet                   String      3 
Iptc.Application2.DateCreated                Date        8  2015-12-24
Iptc.Application2.TimeCreated                Time       11  18:36:18-18:36
Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      3  Tom
Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      6  H***ll
peter@OFFICE ~/Pictures/Albums/15 $ exiv2 -px ../1/1-001.jpg
Xmp.dc.Format                                XmpText    10  image/jpeg
Xmp.dc.subject                               XmpBag      2  Tom, H***ll
Xmp.acdsee.categories                        XmpText   102  <Categories><Category Assigned="1">Tom</Category><Category Assigned="1">H***ll</Category></Categorie ...
Xmp.digiKam.TagsList                         XmpSeq      2  Tom, H***ll
Xmp.MicrosoftPhoto.LastKeywordXMP            XmpBag      2  Tom, H***ll
Xmp.lr.hierarchicalSubject                   XmpBag      2  Tom, H***ll
Xmp.mediapro.CatalogSets                     XmpBag      2  Tom, H***ll

Example image that is not ok, the IPTC keywords are duplicated (JoAnne, JoAnne, JoAnne) matching the count of XMP tags:

peter@OFFICE ~/Pictures/Albums/15 $ exiv2 -pi 011a.jpg
Warning: Unsupported date format
Warning: Unsupported time format
Iptc.Envelope.CharacterSet                   String      3 
Iptc.Application2.DateCreated                String     10  2021-02-03
Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      6  JoAnne
Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      6  JoAnne
Iptc.Application2.Keywords                   String      6  JoAnne
Iptc.Application2.TimeCreated                String     14  17:24:45-17:24
peter@OFFICE ~/Pictures/Albums/15 $ exiv2 -px 011a.jpg
Warning: Unsupported date format
Warning: Unsupported time format
Xmp.xmpMM.DocumentID                         XmpText    52  gimp:docid:gimp:d4c766da-62d9-4052-aa23-f3ad211621c6
Xmp.xmpMM.InstanceID                         XmpText    44  xmp.iid:3ebce656-e87d-4dc6-89c7-47144cfc957a
Xmp.xmpMM.OriginalDocumentID                 XmpText    44  xmp.did:96e95404-860c-41ef-89f6-d704972cc891
Xmp.xmpMM.History                            XmpText     0  type="Seq"
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]                         XmpText     0  type="Struct"
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:action            XmpText     5  saved
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:changed           XmpText     1  /
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:instanceID        XmpText    44  xmp.iid:5ea4ac53-973f-4cf8-a8dd-64148baa9871
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:softwareAgent     XmpText    17  Gimp 2.10 (Linux)
Xmp.xmpMM.History[1]/stEvt:when              XmpText     6  -08:00
Xmp.xmpMM.History[2]                         XmpText     0  type="Struct"
Xmp.xmpMM.History[2]/stEvt:action            XmpText     5  saved
Xmp.xmpMM.History[2]/stEvt:changed           XmpText     1  /
Xmp.xmpMM.History[2]/stEvt:instanceID        XmpText    44  xmp.iid:1243238e-7305-4bd8-b3cf-8532d390fb79
Xmp.xmpMM.History[2]/stEvt:softwareAgent     XmpText    17  Gimp 2.10 (Linux)
Xmp.xmpMM.History[2]/stEvt:when              XmpText     6  -08:00
Xmp.GIMP.API                                 XmpText     3  2.0
Xmp.GIMP.Platform                            XmpText     5  Linux
Xmp.GIMP.TimeStamp                           XmpText    16  1612401887742604
Xmp.GIMP.Version                             XmpText     7  2.10.18
Xmp.acdsee.categories                        XmpText   145  <Categories><Category Assigned="1">JoAnne</Category><Category Assigned="1">Connie</Category><Categor ...
Xmp.dc.Format                                XmpText    10  image/jpeg
Xmp.dc.subject                               XmpBag      1  JoAnne, Connie, H***ll
Xmp.xmp.CreatorTool                          XmpText     9  GIMP 2.10
Xmp.iptcExt.LocationCreated                  XmpBag      0 
Xmp.iptcExt.LocationShown                    XmpBag      0 
Xmp.iptcExt.ArtworkOrObject                  XmpBag      0 
Xmp.iptcExt.RegistryId                       XmpBag      0 
Xmp.plus.ImageSupplier                       XmpSeq      0 
Xmp.plus.ImageCreator                        XmpSeq      0 
Xmp.plus.CopyrightOwner                      XmpSeq      0 
Xmp.plus.Licensor                            XmpSeq      0 
Xmp.MicrosoftPhoto.LastKeywordXMP            XmpBag      1  JoAnne, Connie, H***ll
Xmp.digiKam.TagsList                         XmpSeq      1  JoAnne, Connie, H***ll
Xmp.lr.hierarchicalSubject                   XmpBag      1  JoAnne, Connie, H***ll
Xmp.mediapro.CatalogSets                     XmpBag      1  JoAnne, Connie, H***ll