[digiKam-users] Folders cannot be deleted in my collection.

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[digiKam-users] Folders cannot be deleted in my collection.

Yves Thomazeau-2

Hello . 

I am running Digikam on opensuse 15.1 the version is 6.0 and i ve migrated from opensuse 15.0. 

A strange thing occurs in this new version: After having taggued my pictures in a folder i used to transfer it in an another named "Taggued" (I have a lot of pictures to tag and this way i know what has been done and what is left to).

When i do so the ancient folder is still there with no more photos in it??? If i try to delete it, the soft will answer OK the first time but the folder is still there, then if i try again the soft will say "this folder doesn t exist" ....  It s very ennoying because i now have these empty folders that i cant manage (impossible to rename by the way).
In my real tree of folders they don't exist so i think the problem comes from the Dbase .... Can someone please help me.

Thank you.

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