I think you can right click on a video to rotate it but it won't save the orientation for future. Looks like digikam 6.0.0 is going to utilize ffmpeg more which might solve this.
I process all my videos with ffmpeg which shrinks their size at least twice and fixes the orientation but I understand that some people might want to keep their files untouched (non-processed)
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------
Date: 2018-02-28 6:47 PM (GMT-07:00)
Subject: [digiKam-users] Digikam won't rotate .mov video
I am running Digikam 5.9.0 (the appimage) on Xubuntu 17.04. Some of the
videos I have from an iphone are landscape mode .mov files. Digikam will
rotate the thumbnail, but won't rotate the video. VLC rotates the video
automatically so I know there is something in the video to say portrait or
landscape. I see older items in this forum about this subject, but some of
them indicated the problem is fixed. Is this still a problem, or am I doing
something wrong????
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