[digiKam-users] Digikam video support in Ubuntu 17.*

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[digiKam-users] Digikam video support in Ubuntu 17.*

Hello everyone,

I use digikam for managing my image and video databaze. After update to Ubuntu 17.* Digikam lost abitility to play any video or show video thumbnails at all. According to Digikam faq and discussion on OpenSUSE forum this is becose of need for Qt multimedia support. However I am afraid, that QtAV is not supported in Ubuntu 17.04 and 17.10 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/digikam/+bug/1676484).

Is there any way, how can I get Digikam video support working on Ubuntu? Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi :) Ḯ have bunch of videos to go through...

Thank you for your help. Regards, M.

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Re: Digikam video support in Ubuntu 17.*

Gilles Caulier-4

2018-03-02 9:46 GMT+01:00 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>:
Hello everyone,

I use digikam for managing my image and video databaze. After update to Ubuntu 17.* Digikam lost abitility to play any video or show video thumbnails at all. According to Digikam faq and discussion on OpenSUSE forum this is becose of need for Qt multimedia support. However I am afraid, that QtAV is not supported in Ubuntu 17.04 and 17.10 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/digikam/+bug/1676484).


Since 5.4.0 release, Qt Av _FFMPEG_ are used to handle video, where previous release used QtMultimedia +GStreamer.

As the last one (GStreamer) make a huge puzzle for end user to work properly, we switch to a more powerfull backend ; ffmpeg.

So you need QtAV (which use exclusively FMMPEg in background) and ffmpeg codecs. 

Is there any way, how can I get Digikam video support working on Ubuntu? Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi :) Ḯ have bunch of videos to go through...

Yes, it's simple : use The AppImage bundle that we provide which have the video support inside.

Curent 5.9.0 pre version is here : https://files.kde.org/digikam/
Thank you for your help. Regards, M.
