[digiKam-users] Digikam database name - why is it digikam4.db?

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[digiKam-users] Digikam database name - why is it digikam4.db?

Chris Green
I'm running version 7.0.0 (I'm about to move to 7.1.0) and was just
looking at various bits and pieces when I noticed that the database is
digikam4.db.  Is this just a hangover from older versions of Digikam?

Chris Green

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Re: Digikam database name - why is it digikam4.db?

Gilles Caulier-4

The name is a legacy from an older version. In fact the internal
schema do not evolve since digiKam 4.x, even if the similarities data
have been migrated to a dedicated DB file with 5.x release and if face
recognition has a new database.


Gilles Caulier

Le mer. 9 sept. 2020 à 05:33, Chris Green <[hidden email]> a écrit :
> I'm running version 7.0.0 (I'm about to move to 7.1.0) and was just
> looking at various bits and pieces when I noticed that the database is
> digikam4.db.  Is this just a hangover from older versions of Digikam?
> --
> Chris Green
> ·