[digiKam-users] Digikam 6.0 migration similarity database

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[digiKam-users] Digikam 6.0 migration similarity database


I'm testing the new 6.0 release with a copy of my database.
I know, that in this release the similarity database is separated from
the main database and so a file "similarity.db" will be created on
first opening.

Is there a way to migrate the previously generated fingerprints to the
new db file?
I have ~180 000 fingerprints in my old file and don't want to recalculate them.
I have tried the recalculating with a few albums and it lasts hours
and even when the progress bar  in the bottom is by 100%, dk is not
responsive for a few hours!

I will try to transfer the fingerprints with a sql export -> edit ->
sql import, but want to ask if there is a easier or "official" way. Or
is the transfer of the fingerprints not possible, because of changes
in the calculation algorithm?
