[digiKam-users] Deleted database. Now what?

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[digiKam-users] Deleted database. Now what?

Hi everyone

I had a Digikam 6.2.0 installed on my Windows PC.
I accidentally deleted the database file (it was on a network share so it's
not in the recycle bin).
Digikam can't find the database file (of course) but says it will start
without it and be non functional.
However, it gets stuck on the splash screen and never goes any further, so I
can't create a new database file.
I decided to uninstall and reinstall Digikam in the hope that it would allow
me to create a new database file.
When reinstalling I noticed that 6.3.0 was available so I installed that
instead of 6.2.0.
On starting 6.3.0 it STILL looks for the missing database file.
How do I stop it looking for the missing database file and create a new one?

many thanks

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Re: Deleted database. Now what?

Le 30/09/2019 à 17:46, bingbonglong a écrit :

> How do I stop it looking for the missing database file and create a new one?

probably removing the config files somewhere in /user/login/appdata

(I have no windows at hand right now)

