[digiKam-users] DK advanced search

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[digiKam-users] DK advanced search

Peter Teuben

I was looking for a way to look through all my photos and select photos
from any year when it's a given date, e.g. give me all photos taken on
any "July 28".  I couldn't figure it out.

I made it my challenge (in the WfH time) to each day post a pictures on
facebook from that given day. I have a crappy method which depends on me
putting pictures in the right directory, but I know I missing some, if
digikam could do it, I would get more hits :-)


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Re: DK advanced search

Digikam has an option to show pictures by date
Based on exif data

On the left side are a series of menu items
Default is it shows the normal folder structure
Alternative is to show by tags, by date

So hopefully that would work for you


On Wed 29 Jul, 2020, 00:29 Peter Teuben, <[hidden email]> wrote:

I was looking for a way to look through all my photos and select photos
from any year when it's a given date, e.g. give me all photos taken on
any "July 28".  I couldn't figure it out.

I made it my challenge (in the WfH time) to each day post a pictures on
facebook from that given day. I have a crappy method which depends on me
putting pictures in the right directory, but I know I missing some, if
digikam could do it, I would get more hits :-)
