[digiKam-users] Continuous accessing

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[digiKam-users] Continuous accessing

Ronald Orenstein
I am using the MAC OS version of 7.0.0rc. Some of my albums are on an external WD My Book hard drive. I find that the drive is continuously being accessed as long as Digikam is running even if I am not using the program (quitting the program stops the disc from spinning). Does anyone know why this is, and what I can do stop it other than repeatedly shutting down Digikam?  Thanks!

Ronald Orenstein 1825 Shady Creek Court Mississauga, ON L5L 3W2 Canada ronorenstein.blogspot.com
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Re: Continuous accessing

Ronald Orenstein
I seem to have solved this problem, and it wasn't DigiKam - it was Spotlight.  Once I excluded the external drive from Spotlight the problem stopped (of course Finder no longer indexes changes to the drive).  Thanks anyway!

Ronald Orenstein
1825 Shady Creek Court
Mississauga, ON L5L 3W2

On Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 11:43:39 p.m. EDT, <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am using the MAC OS version of 7.0.0rc. Some of my albums are on an external WD My Book hard drive. I find that the drive is continuously being accessed as long as Digikam is running even if I am not using the program (quitting the program stops the disc from spinning). Does anyone know why this is, and what I can do stop it other than repeatedly shutting down Digikam?  Thanks!

Ronald Orenstein 1825 Shady Creek Court Mississauga, ON L5L 3W2 Canada ronorenstein.blogspot.com