digiKam treats some flat tags and hierarchical tags as same tag

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digiKam treats some flat tags and hierarchical tags as same tag


I have noticed that digiKam treats some flat tags and hierarchical tags as the same tag. For example when I open "Places/zoo" tag in the left panel I can see images with "Places/zoo" as well as just "zoo" in the search results. Actually, they are all shown as "zoo" under the thumbnail but if I Ctrl+Shift+M on an image and look at keywords in IPTC and XMP sections I can see the difference.
Confirmed in ExifTool too.

digiKam sees them as the same tag so I can't do much on it in digiKam however when I change "zoo" to "Places/zoo" in another software and re-read them in digiKam after that they go to "Miscellaneous/Places/zoo".
If I uncheck "Miscellaneous/Places/zoo" and check "Places/zoo" for the selected images in the right panel then "Places/zoo" becomes "zoo" again. So it is a closed loop.

Please share an idea on how I could fix that if you have any.

Best regards,
Andrey Goreev