digiKam portability under MACOSX and Win32 : removing all X11 depencies

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digiKam portability under MACOSX and Win32 : removing all X11 depencies

Gilles Caulier-4
Hi all,

This is another tiedous job to do with KDE4/QT4 port : make digiKam fully portable under MacosX and Win32 (in native of course, without using X11 server).

The last dummy non portable depency which exists yet under digiKam implementation is about X11. yesterday, I have removed the first one into themeengine, and today all keyboard modifiers handling with drag & drop.

In fact, the fix been simple to do with Qt4, but still complex to do using Qt3 (in fact with this last one, we don't care about portability).

With Qt4, QDropEvent provide a new method to handle keyboard modifiers :

<a href="http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qdropevent.html#keyboardModifiers" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qdropevent.html#keyboardModifiers

...which can be used instead all X11 methods call...

Normally, now digiKam from trunk can be compiled as well under MACOS-X and WIN32... All others depencies to shared libraries are already portable :

- kde4libs
- qt4libs
- Exiv2
- libkexiv2
- libkipi
- libkdcraw
- libpng
- libjpeg
- libtiff
- libjasper
- libsqlite

Of course, you need to install all these shared libraries under the target system before to try to compile digiKam... and of course when i said all shared libs, this include all development files (.h headers files)

Tests are require... Any volumters in this room ?


PS : Marcel, I have try drag & drop with KDE4 port and Copy/Move an item from an album to another one do nothing. Why ?

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Re: digiKam portability under MACOSX and Win32 : removing all X11 depencies

Bernhard Rode-3
Am 26.07.2007 um 16:26 schrieb Gilles Caulier:

Hi all,

This is another tiedous job to do with KDE4/QT4 port : make digiKam fully portable under MacosX and Win32 (in native of course, without using X11 server).

The last dummy non portable depency which exists yet under digiKam implementation is about X11. yesterday, I have removed the first one into themeengine, and today all keyboard modifiers handling with drag & drop.

In fact, the fix been simple to do with Qt4, but still complex to do using Qt3 (in fact with this last one, we don't care about portability).

With Qt4, QDropEvent provide a new method to handle keyboard modifiers :

<A href="http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qdropevent.html#keyboardModifiers" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qdropevent.html#keyboardModifiers

...which can be used instead all X11 methods call...

Normally, now digiKam from trunk can be compiled as well under MACOS-X and WIN32... All others depencies to shared libraries are already portable :

- kde4libs
- qt4libs
- Exiv2
- libkexiv2
- libkipi
- libkdcraw
- libpng
- libjpeg
- libtiff
- libjasper
- libsqlite

Of course, you need to install all these shared libraries under the target system before to try to compile digiKam... and of course when i said all shared libs, this include all development files (.h headers files)

Tests are require... Any volumters in this room ?


PS : Marcel, I have try drag & drop with KDE4 port and Copy/Move an item from an album to another one do nothing. Why ?

Digikam-devel mailing list

I will try to help on this.
At the moment I'm trying to get an development environment running on my macbook, to get a working copy of kdelibs4 from svn.

Maybe s.o. can help me where to get all the otherdependencies.

Digikam-devel mailing list
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Re: digiKam portability under MACOSX and Win32 : removing all X11 depencies

Gilles Caulier-4

Full depencies list is given in current README file from svn :


The first stage of protability tests is to only compile as well the program. I'm sure than few conditional mracro will be require in source code.

Second pass is to run the program and test it. Of course few crash or dysfuntions need to be fixed (:=))). But it's an another story...

I will be out of my home/office during 3 weeks (hollidays). No computer, no internet, no tv, no phone. Just me, my familly and my camera.

I recommend to open a new file in B.K.O dedicaced about MACOS-X port. We will take a look progressivly.

Also others developpers can help you. But, we are not MACOS-X guru (:=)))

About others libraries depencies, use dedicaced IRC Channel and mailing-list to get help



2007/7/26, Bernhard Rode <[hidden email]>:
Am 26.07.2007 um 16:26 schrieb Gilles Caulier:

Hi all,

This is another tiedous job to do with KDE4/QT4 port : make digiKam fully portable under MacosX and Win32 (in native of course, without using X11 server).

The last dummy non portable depency which exists yet under digiKam implementation is about X11. yesterday, I have removed the first one into themeengine, and today all keyboard modifiers handling with drag & drop.

In fact, the fix been simple to do with Qt4, but still complex to do using Qt3 (in fact with this last one, we don't care about portability).

With Qt4, QDropEvent provide a new method to handle keyboard modifiers :

<a href="http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qdropevent.html#keyboardModifiers" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qdropevent.html#keyboardModifiers

...which can be used instead all X11 methods call...

Normally, now digiKam from trunk can be compiled as well under MACOS-X and WIN32... All others depencies to shared libraries are already portable :

- kde4libs
- qt4libs
- Exiv2
- libkexiv2
- libkipi
- libkdcraw
- libpng
- libjpeg
- libtiff
- libjasper
- libsqlite

Of course, you need to install all these shared libraries under the target system before to try to compile digiKam... and of course when i said all shared libs, this include all development files (.h headers files)

Tests are require... Any volumters in this room ?


PS : Marcel, I have try drag & drop with KDE4 port and Copy/Move an item from an album to another one do nothing. Why ?

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I will try to help on this.
At the moment I'm trying to get an development environment running on my macbook, to get a working copy of kdelibs4 from svn.

Maybe s.o. can help me where to get all the otherdependencies.

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