digiKam operating system requirements (Mac OS X 10.6)

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digiKam operating system requirements (Mac OS X 10.6)

Dear digiKam team,
I'm making contact via email regarding operating system requirements (Mac OS X) as I haven't found an answer to this question in the digiKam documentation and/or FAQ:
=> Do you see a chance for me to use digiKam on a Mac running OS X 10.6?
=> If yes: all versions of digiKam, or only particular (older?) versions?
I had made contact with a digiKam team member directly, and he wasn't exactly sure whether it would work because this is Mac-specific question, but I got the following information already:
- digiKam git log: compatibility for OS X >=10.8 as of the first digiKam version for Mac
- digiKam source code: there is a comment that 10.6 has not been tested
=> Does the latter information allow the conclusion (i) that there is a fair chance to successfully install and run digiKam on OS X 10.6?, or (ii) does it mean that I'm very likely to run into problems with digiKam on OS X 10.6?
Thank you very much in advance for a quick reply.
Michael Maier
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Re: digiKam operating system requirements (Mac OS X 10.6)

Gilles Caulier-4

The digiKam MacOS bundle is built with Macport under Yosemite with backward compatibility to OSX 10.8, not lesser for technical reasons depending with Qt5 framework.

There is no specific version of digiKam to run under older MacOS. But we recommend to always use the last one available. Here you can found the 5.8.0 pre-release :


Gilles Caulier

2018-01-04 18:23 GMT+01:00 <[hidden email]>:
Dear digiKam team,
I'm making contact via email regarding operating system requirements (Mac OS X) as I haven't found an answer to this question in the digiKam documentation and/or FAQ:
=> Do you see a chance for me to use digiKam on a Mac running OS X 10.6?
=> If yes: all versions of digiKam, or only particular (older?) versions?
I had made contact with a digiKam team member directly, and he wasn't exactly sure whether it would work because this is Mac-specific question, but I got the following information already:
- digiKam git log: compatibility for OS X >=10.8 as of the first digiKam version for Mac
- digiKam source code: there is a comment that 10.6 has not been tested
=> Does the latter information allow the conclusion (i) that there is a fair chance to successfully install and run digiKam on OS X 10.6?, or (ii) does it mean that I'm very likely to run into problems with digiKam on OS X 10.6?
Thank you very much in advance for a quick reply.
Michael Maier