creating fingerprints/signatures blocks all other work?

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creating fingerprints/signatures blocks all other work?

Daniel Bauer-2

To use fizzy search (find duplicated images) one has to let create file
signatures or fingerprints. This is a very long process for TB's of
files, of course.

Problem is, that while this process is going on, digikam is blocked for
normal work. I can't do anything in digikam until that process has finished.

Can't this task be run as a background task?


Daniel Bauer photographer Basel Barcelona
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Re: creating fingerprints/signatures blocks all other work?

Gilles Caulier-4

2017-02-09 11:40 GMT+01:00 Daniel Bauer <[hidden email]>:

To use fizzy search (find duplicated images) one has to let create file signatures or fingerprints. This is a very long process for TB's of files, of course.

Problem is, that while this process is going on, digikam is blocked for normal work. I can't do anything in digikam until that process has finished.

Can't this task be run as a background task?

It's already the case. It work in a separated thread to not block the GUI...

But the registration of data computed to store in database (fingerprints) create a lock for each SQL query, even if it's queued...

The solution is to not send a queries for a fingerprints to register, but to group registrations, and limit database lock.

This want mean that database interface will be less unresponsive, but a little bit in all cases.

Gilles Caulier