compile instructions unclear

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compile instructions unclear

I've been using Digikam for over 10 years and It's been fantastic. Lately, for the past year, it's been unstable, crashing once every 5-8 times I've used it, even with a fresh install of the os and digikam. The latest version under Kbuntu is 4.13. So, I decided to download and compile the latest version rather than relying on Canonical to get up to date. However, on the Digikam website I found this under "Installing a tarball":

Extract the tarball via tar -xvjf filename.bz2, enter the extracted directory and then you need to issue a set of commands. You need to specify an installation prefix. This will be the base path of the installation. To determine the correct path to your KDE installation, use `kde4-config --prefix` and provide it as a parameter for cmake, as shown in the example commands below:

cd build
make install

I'm not sure what to do because it says to use the correct path to the kde4 installation and provide it as a parameter for cmake as shown below. I don't see any use of either cmake or the kde4 path. I also don't understand what 'bootstrap.linux' means.

Could someone please clarify this for me and maybe make it a little clearer on the website.

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