changing tag-symbols for mor uesers & OS

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changing tag-symbols for mor uesers & OS


we're using digikam on several computers with Windows 10 & macOS BigSur, with a central database & storing location on a NAS.
digikam version 7.2
My Problem is now, that we would like to use our own tag-symbols.
When we take one from the system-symbols, everything woarks fine, it changes on Windows & Mac, regardless of the computer or operating system on which the change takes place.
When I try to change it on the macOS and I go over "other symbols" & choose, the Finder opens, but I can't choose anything and digikam blocks completly, I have to close the windows over the cancel buttons, and somethimes digikam crashes completly.
When I do the same thing on a Windows PC, after clicking other symobols, a window opens with the path C:\Programm Files\digikam\bin. I can put there my .png symbol and I can use it as I like. But when I now open digikam on macOS, digikam noticed that the symbol has changed, but does not find it, and thus does not show a tag symbol at all.
My question now is, where can I save tag symbols so that I can use them under both windows and macOS

Thx in advance for your help.

Best regards from Luxembourg