can't overwrite photo file

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can't overwrite photo file

Joachim Bergerhoff
Not long ago, my Digikam (on Jaunty with KDE and Gnome) worked just fine (great).

Now it has the following problem: whenever I want to save a modified picture, I receive a error message "can't overwrite the original file" (I get it in French, but that's what it says.)  This even occurs when I try to "save as" to a different location on a different disc.  In this case, Digikam writes a .tmp file with a technical name to the specified location.

This looks like a an access permission issue.  So re-checked that I still have all permissions to my photo collection, which is located on a second internal ext3 single volume disc.  I do have create and delete permissions according to the properties and I can modify the actual folders and files without problem.  But maybe there is a twist to this that I ignore ?

The problem seems to occur since I have installed video software on the computer (only from the repositories).  But why ?  I have un-installed some of them (those that can be uninstalled without breaking too many dependencies), but the problem persists.  Could they be responsible ?

Thanks for all hints and tricks !

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Re: can't overwrite photo file

Bugzilla from
Hi Joachim,

it's good to finally here from someone else experiencing this problem ;-) - I
already thought it was a problem with my computer. The bug report can be found

please add your information there.

Best regards,

Am Dienstag 22 September 2009 13:22:54 schrieb Joachim Bergerhoff:

> Not long ago, my Digikam (on Jaunty with KDE and Gnome) worked just fine
> (great).
> Now it has the following problem: whenever I want to save a modified
> picture, I receive a error message "can't overwrite the original file" (I
> get it in French, but that's what it says.)  This even occurs when I try to
> "save as" to a different location on a different disc.  In this case,
> Digikam writes a .tmp file with a technical name to the specified location.
> This looks like a an access permission issue.  So re-checked that I still
> have all permissions to my photo collection, which is located on a second
> internal ext3 single volume disc.  I do have create and delete permissions
> according to the properties and I can modify the actual folders and files
> without problem.  But maybe there is a twist to this that I ignore ?
> The problem seems to occur since I have installed video software on the
> computer (only from the repositories).  But why ?  I have un-installed some
> of them (those that can be uninstalled without breaking too many
> dependencies), but the problem persists.  Could they be responsible ?
> Thanks for all hints and tricks !
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