can't manipulate NEF files

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can't manipulate NEF files


Forgive me, I'm completely new to Digikam.

* I'm using version 5.7.0 appimage on Ubuntu 16.04

* for NEF files, the image editor menus are all greyed out... even simple things like crop

* for jpg files, the menus are no longer greyed out and they work

Are there some libraries missing? or something else I'm missing?

Any help would be appreciated

David McQuire
0418 310312
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Re: can't manipulate NEF files

Gilles Caulier-4
The menu problem is know, and solved by Maik in next release 5.8.0.

You can test the pre-release appimage here :

Gilles Caulier

2017-11-06 7:29 GMT+01:00 David <[hidden email]>:

Forgive me, I'm completely new to Digikam.

* I'm using version 5.7.0 appimage on Ubuntu 16.04

* for NEF files, the image editor menus are all greyed out... even simple things like crop

* for jpg files, the menus are no longer greyed out and they work

Are there some libraries missing? or something else I'm missing?

Any help would be appreciated

David McQuire
0418 310312