Does digiKam depend on a specific ordering in the XMP metadata? I performed some updates with exiftool, which simply alphabetizes tags at the same hierarchical level in the XMP block. When I do that, some of the face tags do not appear
when a face is scrolled over in the preview window.
Typically no, if by order you mean alphabetical order of course.
If you change tags outside digiKam, you must re-scan images to update database contents.
Gilles Caulier
2016-09-28 3:23 GMT+02:00 Tom Cunningham <[hidden email]>:
Does digiKam depend on a specific ordering in the XMP metadata? I performed some updates with exiftool, which simply alphabetizes tags at the same hierarchical level in the XMP block. When I do that, some of the face tags do not appear
when a face is scrolled over in the preview window.