I'm using 5.8.0 on OS X 10.11.6. Preferences > Metadata > Sidecars has Read/Write to sidecar enabled and "Write to XMP sidecar only" selected. (All JPG files are chmod a=r)
I find that when modifying a group of selected photos by adding a tag, some subset of the files will have XMP files written that resemble the following:
$ cat ./photographers/jboxman/2010/07/02/20100702-152749.jpg.xmp
<?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>
I can't reliably predict which files will have this issue, but it does happen consistently to at least one file in the group. If I identify each associated image, then click Item > Write Metadata to Image, it writes out a proper XMP file with data from the digiKam database.
If instead I select a group of images and click Item > Write Metadata to Selected Images, a possibly overlapping, but different set of images will have empty XMP files.
Is there something I can do to change this behavior?
An example. After using Write Metadata to Selected Images:
find . -type f -size -100c | grep jboxman
I do it a second time and the situation improves to this:
find . -type f -size -100c | grep jboxman
I do it a third time and end up with this:
find . -type f -size -100c | grep jboxman
Very confusing behavior.