Wrong file name showing in Album View

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Wrong file name showing in Album View

Max Bedacht
I'm in the process of scanning some old photos, scanning multiple photos in each 'run' then separating them. I am using GIMP to do the separations, some with Divide Scanned Images script and some manually. I'm naming the scans loc-europe-01.png and the individual images loc-europe-01-00001.png.

The problem is the following: some images are showing a file name in the album view different from the actual file name, which is shown correctly in the right side File Properties bar. If I move the image to another directory the problem is resolved, but on moving it back to the original directory the problem returns.

I have tried mass file renames using pyRename and after all is done the same problem persists, using the new names.

I have tried removing the images from the catalog and compressing the .db, but when I reintroduce them the same problem returns.

Seems like there is something in the db that might be causing this.

Has this been reported before? Does anybody have any ideas?

I'm running Ubuntu  11.04 with Digikam 1.9.0

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