Workflow when selecting images across albu7ms

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Workflow when selecting images across albu7ms

Hans-Peter huth


i need your advice. I frequently select images which are spread across
several albums. I would like to have a possibility to save this selection
so i can eventually pause the selection process and resume another day or
to be able to check and change something. As an example, lets say i look
for images with trees for a later export to a web album or photo book.

For now, i create a tag, e.g. book/trees. This approach works fine, but
each tag changes the db and also the image, so unnecessary backups are
triggered. Not a huge problem, but is there a more elegant way to do this,
maybe without touching the image?

And then once the selection is fine, how do you export them to another
application? In the ideal case we could create a 'pseudo' album just
containing links and use that as an input for e.g. a photo book SW. But
currently this is not possible.

HP, happy digikam user since years

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Re: Workflow when selecting images across albu7ms

You can use color tags, to save temporary selections, and you're not obliged to save them in pictures with the other tags.

To use pictures in other applications, in the past, I used the remote export function in order to create external albums.
Recently, I tried another solution: I used an album inside Digikam, and a folder with a symbolic link to the album in Digikam in the other application. For creating photos books with Scribus, I update the pictures in the Digikam album (I usually begin with low definition pictures, so they are not too heavy in Scribus) till I get to the final sizes/versions; then I use the Scribus function 'regroup for output' in order to make a copy of everything into a Scribus folder. I can then delete the album in Digikam, as I won't need it any longer.

Hope this helps,

2015-09-04 21:25 GMT+02:00 Hans-Peter huth <[hidden email]>:


i need your advice. I frequently select images which are spread across
several albums. I would like to have a possibility to save this selection
so i can eventually pause the selection process and resume another day or
to be able to check and change something. As an example, lets say i look
for images with trees for a later export to a web album or photo book.

For now, i create a tag, e.g. book/trees. This approach works fine, but
each tag changes the db and also the image, so unnecessary backups are
triggered. Not a huge problem, but is there a more elegant way to do this,
maybe without touching the image?

And then once the selection is fine, how do you export them to another
application? In the ideal case we could create a 'pseudo' album just
containing links and use that as an input for e.g. a photo book SW. But
currently this is not possible.

HP, happy digikam user since years

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