Where does "grouped" pictures dissapear?

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Where does "grouped" pictures dissapear?

Anders Lund

Using digikam 2.5 is mostly a pleasure, but sometimes it does not do what it
is supposed to.

For example, typically I edit a photo, importing the raw and proccessing it,
and then press "save changes". Sometimes this creates a new version in the
photos version tab, but sometimes not.

I dragged such a image onto the original, and accepted "group to here", and it
dissapeared... Where did it go? :0

Oh, and the behavior when saving should be consistent!
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Re: Where does "grouped" pictures dissapear?

Anders Lund
On Lørdag den 21. januar 2012, Anders Lund wrote:

> Hi,
> Using digikam 2.5 is mostly a pleasure, but sometimes it does not do what
> it is supposed to.
> For example, typically I edit a photo, importing the raw and proccessing
> it, and then press "save changes". Sometimes this creates a new version in
> the photos version tab, but sometimes not.
> I dragged such a image onto the original, and accepted "group to here", and
> it dissapeared... Where did it go? :0

Nm, I found it. But the behavior is odd. I created a new edit, and this time,
it was added to the raw photo version tab, but it is displayed in a kind of
layered display with the first edit, which is grouped with the raw but not
recognized as a version of that.
> Oh, and the behavior when saving should be consistent!


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