Very slow start in appimage 5.5 and 5.6

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Very slow start in appimage 5.5 and 5.6

antoni olivella
I had to return to 5.4 because the very slow start in appimage 5.5 and 5.6 (more than 5 hours)
With the same db 5.4 open in 20 min. I cannot benefit from the improvements in the last 2 versions.
db 120k fotos and vids.
I think that requires and action before the offficial 5.6 release.
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Re: Very slow start in appimage 5.5 and 5.6

Gilles Caulier-4
Can you share more information about the console trace. Typically, trying to identify where startup hand up will help.

Also, do you have any Similarity search albums in you digiKam session ?

Gilles Caulier

2017-04-29 10:03 GMT+02:00 antoni olivella <[hidden email]>:
I had to return to 5.4 because the very slow start in appimage 5.5 and 5.6 (more than 5 hours)
With the same db 5.4 open in 20 min. I cannot benefit from the improvements in the last 2 versions.
db 120k fotos and vids.
I think that requires and action before the offficial 5.6 release.