Thumbnail creation and updating of thumbnail database etc.

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Thumbnail creation and updating of thumbnail database etc.

Mark Hayes (Hotmail)

A couple of days ago, all the thumbnails (and I mean ALL!) disappeared,
and along with it, a few of the tags I'd had in previously.

So I'm trying to get the thumbnails back - but it seems to not be an
easy thing to do.

If I right-click on a folder, and choose to rebuild the thumbnails - it
hangs, takes an awfully long time - and I cannot use Digikam in the
meantime.  Yesterday, I tried to rebuild the thumbs in a folder with
three pictures in it.  The first two times, I had to abandon it - and
abort the process.  Digikam hung, showing 0% completion, and I had to
agree to kill the process when KDE asked me...  (about 10 minutes later).

I tried again, and left it running overnight - but it still hadn't
finished when I came back from work tonight (some 20 hours later!)

Somehow now - I have two folders of thumbnails back - with about a total
of 150 thumbnails.  However, this is not quick, and a real PITA.  Not to
mention that it seems to need doing for each and every folder (and I
have a lot).  I still don't know if I'm doing this correctly, and I'm
sure that I really don't know how or what it going on! :-)

I'm trying again right now - and it's been running over 20 mins for
rebuilding 48 thumbnails - and still showing 0% complete.  Clicking on
Abort (the only option) gets me nothing at all.  CPU usage is static at
25% - but it really doesn't seem to be doing anything at all...

Please can someone explain to me:

1.  Why is it taking so long?  Should it?  Am I doing something wrong?
2.  How do I properly rebuild my thumbnails?
3.  Is there a way to rebuild missing thumbnails from the whole database
overnight whilst I sleep?  Or do I really need to do this one by one...?

And any other pointers that you might think useful about rebuilding the

Many thanks,


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Re: Thumbnail creation and updating of thumbnail database etc.

Remco Viëtor
On Monday 27 February 2012 21:13:30 Mark Hayes wrote:
> Hi,
> A couple of days ago, all the thumbnails (and I mean ALL!) disappeared,
> and along with it, a few of the tags I'd had in previously.
<snipped a lot of text about failed attempts to get them back>

So, first thing would be to think of what would have changed a couple of days
ago, just before your problems with the thumbnails and tags started.

Some things to check: upgrades (libraries, kernel, ...), new disk, changes in
Digikam or its settings... Note that those are just a few possiblities.
Also, it would help if you stated the versions of Digikam, operating system,
KDE (and perhaps the most important external libraries).

Don't hesitate to give too many details, too few is making life more difficult
for those trying to figure out the cause of the problem.

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