Synchronize tags between exif metadata and digiKam

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Synchronize tags between exif metadata and digiKam


How can I synchronize the tags in digiKam with the tags in the exif metadata of my images?

I have both, tags in digiKam that are not yet in the exif (I forgot to update the settings after switching to the development version of digiKam), and tags in the exif metadata that are not yet imported to digiKam (mainly because I removed tags from images and because the setting of saving tags in the metadata was not set digiKam didn't remove them from the exif metadata). (For me it would be fine to get first all tags everywhere -- import all tags from exif to digiKam and write all tags in digiKam to exif -- as removing is much easier than adding.)

Thanks for your help,

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Re: Synchronize tags between exif metadata and digiKam

Ok, I found the option for Re-reading the metadata for all files. Sorry that I missed that.

However, if I do any big operation, such as, scanning all images for faces or re-reading the metadata from all images, digiKam crashes my raid-1 containing the image files. Is there anything known about that. (Happens with 2.2 and current 2.5). I will create a new thread for that ...

